Today, this guy came to speak to my Communication Seminar class. He talked about alot of things, involving his work in radio around the globe. Then, he got my attention (which had been wander to the people playing games on thier computers and the hilarious note taking of one Drew Allen) when he brought up his second wife.
Apparently, through a series of strange events, he met his future wife while he was in Guam. She was in Florida. Apparently he didn't feel like he could leave at the time, and he wasn't sure what to do. They continued writing letters, but his got shorter and shorter and he wonder if God really wanted them together. Then, in God's perfect time, He worked it out. She went to Guam and they married.
I just found it encouraging. It's so easy to stress over the distance, but really, God has everything figured out. He knows what is and isn't in his plan, and he knows how to work all thing out, not just for good, but for the best. His perfect plan is just that. God is so awesome.
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